

I love my google reader (RIP).
I love my feedly, now.

It reminds me that the world is big. 
And I'm not the only one lost in thought sometimes. 
So many bloggers out there, with such awesome things to share.

I'm so encouraged by this post from blogger/artist Sarah Carter.

"The fact is, we are incomplete beings.  
That is a Christian message and at its core it is true.  We are all missing something but I'd contend that what we are searching for can't be found in the aisle of a store or on someone's facebook wall.  Our work as people is to regain connection with our Creator, and if this is true, we all have an internal whisper reminding us that we are incomplete.  Keep searching, dear one, keep marching and trying and filling yourself, because something was separated from you and its your human mission to find it again.

... We are walking the earth in search of what is already within is us.  
But we live in a society that plays on our ache and sways us to try and soothe it with created things rather than the creator of all things."

Hop over there to read the entire post.

Happy Tuesday.

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